The as if it's just about to happen series - book two of four
I saw I thought I remembered the index exists in two places

Published by HZT Berlin on April 26th, 2017
Kai Merke in collaboration with Juan Felipe Amaya Gonzalez, p. 24-25

The as if it’s just about to happen book series invites a reengagement with four workshops, facilitated within HZT Berlin’s BA Dance, Context, Choreography course between 2014–2016. Four of HZT’s teaching staff initiated a collaborative writing project with colleagues and HZT students and alumni to access what persists through the entanglement of their artistic and pedagogic practices. They returned to the pedagogic events with the question “What was and is it doing and what can we create with it now?” Initial experiences, notes and memories from the workshops were approached with a strategy of interruption. A specific set of parameters informed a structure of excerpts, footnotes, invitations and responses that produced a new order of connections based on selectivity, discontinuity and proliferation.

ZZS [this container]

Published on Nov. 25th, 2016 by Chloe Chignell, Maia Means and Ellen Söderhult

Kai Merke in collaboration with Klara Utke Acs under the name Danish Dance Theatre (company), p. 11-12

For more info on the publication: HZT
Link: I saw I thought I remembered, the index exist in two places
Link: ZZS [this container]